Brigadeiro de Creme de Leite (Pot Chocolate Brigadier)
Hi girls and guys!
Depois do jantar bateu uma vontade enorme de comer um docinho, na hora veio à mente um brigadeiro de panela!! Hmmmm
After dinner I felt a huge will to eat some candy and the first thing that came to my mind was a pot chocolate brigadier (or "brigadeiro", as we call it here in Brazil).
Peguei os ingredientes e quando me dei por conta não tinha leite condensado...Antes de me dar por vencida e esperar a vontade do doce passar, decidi que procuraria na net alguma receita de brigadeiro de creme de leite (quem não tem cão, caça com gato!), e não é que encontrei!
I've took the ingredients and when I was ready to start cooking I figured out that I had no condensed milk. Before giving up (and wait the will to go away), I searched the internet by any recipe of brigadier made with milk cream... And I found it!
A receita foi retirada do site Tudo Gostoso, um site ótimo, lá eu sempre encontro tudo o que eu procuro, vale a pena conferir.
This recipe is from the "Tudo Gostoso" website (link above).
Vamos à receita?! Anotem aí.
Take note:
Brigadeiro de Creme de Leite
Ingredientes (Ingredients)
- 1 lata de creme de leite
- 8 colheres (sopa) de achocolatado em pó
- 2 colheres (sopa) de manteiga
- 1 can of cream
- 8 soup spoons of powder chocolate
- 2 soup spoons of butter
Modo de preparo (How to do it)
Put the butter in a pan in low fire and melt it completely. Add the chocolate and mix. With the fire still alight, add the milk cream e mix a little bit more, until you have a cream. This dessert must be served cold, so, one hour in the refrigerator is enough.
Minha opinião sobre a receita: Gente, fica muito bom! A mistura do achocolatado com a manteiga derretida realmente dá um gostinho de brigadeiro ao doce, porém, fica bem menos enjoativo e super leve. Ficou tão gostoso que nem deu tempo de tirar foto para vocês.
My personal opinion about the recipe: It is very good! The mix of powder chocolate and melted butter really gives it the taste of a real brigadier, but, as we are not using condensed milk, the result is a very smooth dessert. We didn't had time to take a picture! Three people quickly eaten the dessert.
My personal opinion about the recipe: It is very good! The mix of powder chocolate and melted butter really gives it the taste of a real brigadier, but, as we are not using condensed milk, the result is a very smooth dessert. We didn't had time to take a picture! Three people quickly eaten the dessert.
Foto retirada do site Tudo Gostoso
Mais uma receita feita e aprovada!
Gostaram? Façam em casa e me digam se vocês aprovam também.
One more recipe done and approved!
Did you liked? Do it in your home and tell us if you also approve!
Kisses ^^*
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